Nathan Tarr, Author at BodyShop Business
Prep for Perfection

Shortcuts and speed only lead to hack paint jobs. Performing the right paint prep procedures from start to finish will help you avoid costly re-dos.

Tips for Metallic Paint Jobs

There will always be metallic colors that are virtually impossible to blend out nicely, and “tracking” will always be a concern. But there are steps painters can take to make these colors as painless as possible.

Take Pride in Paint Prep

Every botched job I see reminds me of the lack of pride some techs and painters have in their work. Having a plan and following your paint system’s handbook goes a long way toward avoiding such disasters.

It’s a Dirty Job

Dirt happens in the paint process. But there are some things you can do to keep it to a minimum and deliver the highest quality paint job to your customer.

What Kind of Repairs Do You Want to Do?

The only way to achieve consistent, quality repairs is to establish clearly defined goals and communicate them to your staff.

See the Light: The Importance of Good Lighting

Too many body shops work under poor lighting. But good lighting is absolutely
crucial if a shop wants to do quality work
in an efficient manner.

No Scuff ’n Shoot Here

The mindset that car refinishing is easy seems to be spreading throughout the industry. But there are no shortcuts to perfect paint jobs, and thorough prep work is essential to a lasting, quality repair.

Quest for Metallic Control

Though most painters don’t like to admit it, they struggle with metallics. But if we slow down a little and anticipate problems before they arise, those redos will be few and
far between.

What Kind of Repairs Do You Want to Do?

The only way to achieve consistent, quality repairs is to establish clearly defined goals and communicate them to your staff