Body Shop Management Systems Software
Where Is Trust Today?

It seems that trust today is more of a saying than a word with actual meaning. What happened?

My Car Is Back!

If you recall, I hit a deer two months ago and wrecked my car. Well, my car is back better than ever…and I didn’t even get steered!

Rise, Fall and Rise Again of Aftermarket Crash Parts

Having built a couple of training programs about the aftermarket parts business, it’s my opinion that the quality of non-OE crash parts has gotten considerably better.

Negotiations: A Strategic Approach

Negotiations have traditionally been viewed as contests to be won. But current models emphasize a more strategic approach, which can be beneficial to both parties.

Mastering HR

Guidelines for creating buttoned-up, uniform human resource policies and procedures that are fair to your employees and reduce your exposure to liability.

Building a Great Workplace

I’ve been receiving some valuable workplace training from an unlikely teacher, and he’s now a great friend. Let me tell you about John.

NACE/CARS in the Motor City

The 2014 NACE/CARS Expo & Conference is taking place July 30-Aug. 2, and what better place to have it than Detroit?

Battling the Bigs

Four locally owned small MSOs share their thoughts on how they plan to retain their market share should one of the mega consolidators move to their block.

It’s Time for NACE/CARS!

The big show is at the end of this month, so start planning your trip to the Motor City today.

Does Your Shop “Wow” Customers?

In several classes I teach for paint, body & equipment (PBE) jobbers, I describe the universe of American body shops as follows: 5 percent: Ugh! These shops have no interest in calculating financial numbers of any kind, improving their production efficiency (what’s that?) or new and faster equipment. They’re too busy fixing cars to get

Cybersecurity for Your Collision Repair Business

Strengthening your business’ Web security through strong passwords will ensure that your information stays safe.

The Perfect Storm

We had to throw out all we learned from Six Sigma when systems, computers and power disappeared after one of the most brutal winters on record. The lesson? Our people are our greatest asset.