August, 2014 Archives - BodyShop Business
Where Is Trust Today?

It seems that trust today is more of a saying than a word with actual meaning. What happened?

My Car Is Back!

If you recall, I hit a deer two months ago and wrecked my car. Well, my car is back better than ever…and I didn’t even get steered!

Rise, Fall and Rise Again of Aftermarket Crash Parts

Having built a couple of training programs about the aftermarket parts business, it’s my opinion that the quality of non-OE crash parts has gotten considerably better.

Taking Your Website to the Next Level

Does your website have a “cookie-cutter” design? Standing out from the crowd will help you boost your search rankings.

Negotiations: A Strategic Approach

Negotiations have traditionally been viewed as contests to be won. But current models emphasize a more strategic approach, which can be beneficial to both parties.

Mastering HR

Guidelines for creating buttoned-up, uniform human resource policies and procedures that are fair to your employees and reduce your exposure to liability.

Building a Great Workplace

I’ve been receiving some valuable workplace training from an unlikely teacher, and he’s now a great friend. Let me tell you about John.