Kyle Holt, Author at BodyShop Business - Page 2 of 3
OSHA’s Top Safety Violations of 2018

Check out OSHA’s list of its most frequent violations, then take a walk around your shop. If an OSHA inspector comes by, are you ready to pay?

Shop Safety: Offer an Incentive Program

If you’re seeing more accidents or near-misses in your shop and finding that injury rates are rising, you might consider an incentive program that rewards your staff when injury rates are low.

Reviewing Auto Body Safety Basics

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing safe and healthy workplaces for their employees. Are you making safety a priority and covering all the bases in your shop?

Holding Safety Meetings That Don’t Stink

Meetings sometimes stink. Most are long, some are boring, and others are downright unnecessary. So is there ever a reason to hold another meeting? Absolutely! You just have to change up your methods a bit and focus on the task (or meeting) at hand.

Demonstrate a Commitment to Safety in Your Auto Body Shop

As a business, you may think you do a good job of demonstrating sound practices and deliberate attention to safety. But do your employees have that sense when they walk into the shop or leave for the day?

Auto Body Mentoring Programs: What’s In It for the Mentor?

As teachers, guides and role models, mentors provide powerful building blocks to give mentees a big jumpstart in their career. And there are benefits to being a mentor, too.

How to Implement a Successful Mentoring Program in Your Auto Body Shop

Implementing a successful mentoring program in an auto body shop requires putting the right people in place to manage the program and also finding the right candidates to mentor.

Mentoring in Auto Body Shops: It All Starts with a Program Manager

As shops struggle to find skilled workers, mentoring programs can be a win-win for your business, as well as for the industry as a whole.

Health & Safety: Technicians Needed!

Workplace mentoring programs offer an opportunity for skilled technicians (mentors) in your company to share their expertise and experience with a less experienced person (the mentee) in order to put them on a fast track to competency in a new career.

Health & Safety: A Healthy Start – Part II

This month, we’re looking at five more easy-to-implement components to focus on as you think about safety in your shop.

Health and Safety: Starting a Safety Plan in Your Shop

If you’re looking to start a safety and health plan in your shop, OSHA’s “Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs” is a good place to begin.

Health & Safety: Avoiding OSHA’s Top Violations

OSHA’s annual list of the 10 most cited violations can be a useful reference and wake-up call to shops that are trying to identify areas where they can get safer.