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Liability For Sale

With more than $3 trillion in assets belonging to the insurance industry, the acceptance of liability must be a valuable commodity — and the sale of liability must be a profitable business. So why are you only charging the wholesale time it takes you to do a task without financial consideration for the liability you accept?

Resolving Shop/Insurer Conflicts…Peacefully

Many shop owners complain that insurance companies aren’t allowing them to make a living. How is it, then, that so many other shop owners are working with insurers successfully?

Shift This: Dealing with Cost Shifting

Fed up with the games people play, a Connecticut body shop manager has developed a way to keep himself out of trouble when insurance companies cost shift.

Insurers: Cowboys At Heart?

Some insurers are rounding up consumers and steering them out of shops like herds of cattle – leaving many shop owners to ask: “Where’s the beef?”

Fighting Fraud

Bring up the subject of fraud and most people within hearing distance will turn tail and run the other direction.

Purchasing Power

Before you hand over the cash, rattle off your credit card account number or sign the bottom of a check, be sure you can justify the expense of that new piece of equipment.

The Two Faces of Japan

From ancient Shinto temples to modern-day skyscrapers, the Japanese relish technology, yet revere tradition. But with Japan’s collision repair industry changing with the times,
will the Japanese people also deviate from tradition to fight for their industry’s autonomy?

A History of Success and Change

The time: 1894. The place: Boston, Mass. The body shop: Fitzpatrick Brothers.