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Overcoming Roadblocks

Three men – Bob Anderson, Jerry Kottschade and Joe Sanders – have devoted a great deal of time over the years to assume positions of leadership within their chosen field.

Need Money? Renovations

When running a successful business, a shop owner will – at some point – utter the word “renovations”. In his next breath, he’ll shake his head and utter the words “need money”.

Like a Rock: Southwest Collision of Alsip, Ill.

Ask anyone in the collision-repair business in suburban Chicago about the work and reputation of Southwest Collision of Alsip, Ill., and the adjectives they’ll use can be
summarized in two words – rock solid.

Keeping the Towel

Small-Shop Burdens…..and a Turnaround!

One Man’s Ad Plan

Every year, when my paternal relatives gather for a reunion, Aunt Shirley tells the embarrassing story of when I – just back from gymnastics camp – decided to do a cartwheel on the picnic-table bench. After losing my balance, I knocked a pitcher of fruit punch into my grandmother’s lap and landed bottom-first in a

Waterlogged: Submerged Vehicles

Repair of water-damaged vehicles is done daily across the United States, which makes it quite possible that your shop may someday be – if it hasn’t already been – involved in
estimating, and possibly the salvage and restoration, of a vehicle that’s been submerged in water.

Industry Bypass: The Three C Body Shop

Situated next to Route 3 – the original highway that ran across the Buckeye State from Cincinnati to Columbus to Cleveland before Interstate 71 was constructed – Three C Body
Shop does anything but go with the flow.

A Current Of Cash

Cash flow. It’s the name of the game in any body shop. That is, in any body shop that wants to stay in business.

Set on Vettes

The Chevrolet Corvette is an American icon recognized the world over for its outstanding performance and handling prowess.

Constructing Solid Supplier Relationships

The notion of building a partnership with someone who is selling you something is foreign to a lot of people.