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Can Your Shop Withstand the Scrutiny?

Shops producing poor quality repairs?

Not All Wheel Alignments Are Created Equal

The process of aligning a collision-damaged vehicle is much more involved thanperforming a maintenance alignment. If thecustomer hasn’t hit anything, the technician can make many assumptions.But making assumptions about a collision-related four-wheel alignment will put your shop on a crash course. Ever since rear adjustable suspensions became commonplace in our industry, the argument has raged

Flat-Out Fair: Break Up Labor and Pay Everyone Fairly

How do you break up labor and pay everyone fairly? While converting his shop from all combination techs to a departmentalized metal shop and paint shop (a process he refers to as “Armageddon”), this shop manager developed a system to pay techs what they deserve while motivating them to work as efficiently as possible. It

Say You Don’t Want a Revolution

If you label your customers as “nuts” to brush off their repair complaints and tell them to “just bring it back” withoutaddressing the actual problem, your comebacks are costing you cash.

Save a Buck… Pass the Buck?

As the market demands cheaper, faster, better repairs, the concept of “better” can often be forgotten. But who decides what’s acceptable in terms of repair quality? And how close is close enough?

Are Double Standards OK, Depending Who’s Paying the Bill?

A double standard [where you write a different estimate if the repair is paid by an insurance company rather than a customer paying out of pocket] creates an image of what this industry is trying to defeat, which is that we’re crooks. I don’t want to present one image to one customer and another image

Stacking the Odds In His Favor

Leonard Lassak’s pancake philosophy.

Nature Vs. Nurture

Highly skilled technicians – Is it all in the genes or does training help?

The Need for Speed

Want more claims dollars? Strive to standardize your business.

Putting Our Heads Together

Want more claims dollars? Strive to standardize your business.