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Need Money? Renovations

When running a successful business, a shop owner will – at some point – utter the word “renovations”. In his next breath, he’ll shake his head and utter the words “need money”.

Keep It Separate: Business and Personal Income

It’s been said that it’s best not to mix business with pleasure – and this is especially true when it comes to Uncle Sam. According to the Internal Revenue Service, business and personal income should always remain apart.

Is High-Tech Worth the Cost?

When computerized measuring systems first became available, most shop owners considered them luxuries that only the biggest, busiest and best shops could afford.

Shop Forum/Addressing Aftermarket Parts

Some collision-repair specialists don’t mind using aftermarket parts, some do. For those who do mind, how do they deal with having to use them when an insurance company says

An Ounce of Preparation

A prevalent problem in paint shops across the country is topcoat peeling. Though there are several possible causes for this problem, the most common cause is also the most
obvious: poor preparation.

Shop Management/The Future is Now

Even if you’re 30 years from retirement and 40 years from death (so you think), it’s still in your – and your loved ones – best interests to plan for these events.

Hand Health

Your hands are your most important asset. Without them, you wouldn’t have a job because you couldn’t do your job

Get It Straight: Alignments

Customers these days are pickier than ever about the work performed on their vehicles – and alignment isn’t an exception. If customers aren’t satisfied with how their cars ride, steer and handle after driving them out of your shop, you’ll likely see those customers again – for the redo.

Waterlogged: Submerged Vehicles

Repair of water-damaged vehicles is done daily across the United States, which makes it quite possible that your shop may someday be – if it hasn’t already been – involved in
estimating, and possibly the salvage and restoration, of a vehicle that’s been submerged in water.

Steel the One: Aluminum and Plastics

Fifteen years ago, most of us would have scoffed at the idea of amass-produced, all-aluminum auto, such as the Acura NSX, or a production automobile with exterior plastic panels, such as the Saturn.