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Guilty! State Farm to Pay $1.19 Billion

When the jury for the aftermarket parts trial against State Farm awarded the plaintiffs $456 million and the judge ruled the insurance giant committed fraud and awarded the plaintiffs an additional $730 million, some people cheered, some people jeered and others shed tears. But how will all this ultimately affect consumers — and repairers?

Lead Dogs Have a Better View

Through training and certification, you’ll not only hone your skills and increase your productivity, you’ll also elevate your professionalism — separating you from the rest of the pack.

Repairing the Crash-Parts Market

The situation with replacement crash parts may be a bit of a wreck, but it’s not a total loss. What’s considered a pile of unwanted sheet metal and plastic by many repairers could be turned into a more favorable and profitable alternative to OE parts — if the industry can quit complaining and learn to communicate.

Becoming the Fastest Gun in the Shop

Because the industry is changing rapidly, the best painters are productive technicians, active communicators, speedy problem solvers and quick learners.

A State of Unions Address

While many shop owners say a unionized workforce would spell disaster for their businesses, many techs say industry labor rates are making a disaster of their paychecks. Is a drastic change needed – and will that change come in the form of unions?

The “Big 3” Interview

Reps from Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler speak candidly about their plans, their problems and their predictions for the collision repair industry.

Where Have All The Graduates Gone

The number of quality entry-level techs graduating from vo-tech schools continues to slump. So what are you doing about it? As the saying goes, if you’re not a part of the solution, you’re a part of the problem.

The “Big 3” Interview

Reps from Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler speak candidly about their plans, their problems and their predictions for the collision repair industry.

The Next Generation: Difficulties Shop Owners have Recruiting New Blood into the Industry

The economy of our great nation has been strong enough of late that young folks who have the desire to succeed and become proficient at something can choose many career routes to follow. Unfortunately for us, repairing damaged vehicles doesn’t seem to be at the top of their wish lists. Computers, sales, various unionized trades … these choices rate higher than our industry. Just look at attendance at various vo-tech schools. More class space is allocated to other career choices, and more students attend classes for other career choices than they do for autobody repair.

Getting Into Customers’ Heads: Increasing the Chances of Selling Every Job

Hopefully, we can all agree that collision repair falls into two distinct operations: sales and production. Your shop may have the very latest heated downdraft booth and the snazziest computer-driven structural-repair bench, but unless you can get the customer to let your shop perform the repair, all the equipment in the world won’t help.