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Creating The Super Estimator

Transform a mild-mannered estimator into “The Man Who Sells Steel Repair” by teaching him how to communicate effectively with people.

The Road Ahead

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict the future — the challenges awaiting shop owners aren’t a mystery. The mystery is whether or not shop owners will prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.

The Right Manager for the Job

When opening another location, it’s crucial to find a manager whose talents complement your business — and whose business sense can help take your business to the next level.

Eight Ways To Invest Money

Whether you own a shop or work on Wall Street, part of being successful in the ’90s depends on knowing what to do with your money.

When Worlds Collide: Collision Repairers vs. Insurers

Can collision repairers really fight off the insurer invasion of the industry? Or, rather than waging war, should they learn to live together in peace?

Insurers: Cowboys At Heart?

Some insurers are rounding up consumers and steering them out of shops like herds of cattle – leaving many shop owners to ask: “Where’s the beef?”

Market Profile: The Collision Repair Market in 1997

A year filled with changes and challenges, some shop owners came out ahead while others dreamed of getting out

Fighting Fraud

Bring up the subject of fraud and most people within hearing distance will turn tail and run the other direction.

Can We Talk?

Communication skills between owners and techs come into play daily and can mean the difference between a profit or a loss on each job.

Estate Planning

To avoid losing your business to an outsider – or worse, a competitor – after your death, plan now for an orderly transfer of your estate.