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Come Back! Impressing New Technicians to Stay

While off to a promising start, an apprentice left collision repair behind. Why? For starters, shortcutting techs didn’t want to take the time to teach, and insurance “procedures” didn’t offer him hope for a secure future. If you’re lucky enough to snag a future tech, remember: The impressions he gets will be lasting ones, so make them good.

I’m Just A Bill: Why Not Get Involved?

On Capitol Hill, a lot of bills await their fate. And many of them — if enacted into law — will affect the profitability of your business. Why, then, aren’t more collision repairers actively involved in legislative activity?

The Next Generation: So What the Heck Are They Thinking?

If you knew what potential technicians were thinking, you could better encourage them into pursuing collision repair as a career.

The “Big 3” Interview

Reps from Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler speak candidly about their plans, their problems and their predictions for the collision repair industry.

The “Big 3” Interview

Reps from Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler speak candidly about their plans, their problems and their predictions for the collision repair industry.

Insurer Relations Profile: Freedom to do What You Want?

Many collision repair shop owners started their businesses for the freedom owning a business offers — freedom to be your own boss, freedom to do what you want, how you want, when you want.

Are You Guilty Of Fraud?

Before shop owners condemn the practices of insurers, they need to take a long, hard look at themselves. Committing fraud is dishonest, immoral and illegal – yet many continue to do it.

More Than A Desk Job: Office Managers

Being the office manager for a collision repair shop can be an exciting, sometimes confusing and very rewarding job. The key to reaping the rewards of efficient, organized and informed office mangers is to give them more responsibility than simply answering the phones, greeting customers and balancing the checkbook.

Finding Your Niche

What’s had the living daylights kicked out of it and smells like a herd of horses? It could be your next job. Repairing horse trailers, offering rental cars or spraying on bed liners are just some insurer-free services that can boost your bottom line.

Stuck On Plastics: Adhesion Problems

Ever had a flaky experience when refinishing plastic parts? You’re not alone. To help prevent further adhesion problems, consider these common-sense cures — used by a pro whose history with plastics is long and sordid.