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Not All Wheel Alignments Are Created Equal

The process of aligning a collision-damaged vehicle is much more involved thanperforming a maintenance alignment. If thecustomer hasn’t hit anything, the technician can make many assumptions.But making assumptions about a collision-related four-wheel alignment will put your shop on a crash course. Ever since rear adjustable suspensions became commonplace in our industry, the argument has raged

Clean Up your Act

That tiny spec of dirt in your paint job costs you a lot more time and money to remove than it would have to prevent it. In The Big Book of Painting, page 2,344, paragraph 6, the author explains “The Rule of Dirt”: “All dirt comes to you. But from where? you sayeth. I sayeth,

Stacking the Odds In His Favor

Leonard Lassak’s pancake philosophy.

The Need for Speed

Want more claims dollars? Strive to standardize your business.

Putting Our Heads Together

Want more claims dollars? Strive to standardize your business.

Scheduling Labor Effectively

Take a systematic approach to scheduling labor. I’ve been in the collision repair industry for 21 years, and one challenge that’s a constant is effectively scheduling production staff. Scheduling in this business is difficult because you have different repair jobs coming in every day and no two jobs are exactly the same — so you

5 Tips to Make the Money Coat Count: Your Spray Gun

You spend hours trying to achieve the perfect paint job only to face a re-do and an irate customer. But don’t go blaming your paint. The culprit is likely your spray gun not being properly adjusted or as clean as you think.

Letters to the Editors

If You Do It, Charge for It Dear Ms. Georgina Kajganic: In response to Mr. Yurek’s article, “If You Do It, Charge For It” [Sept. 2001, pg. 36], it’s about the same things my father complained about. We’re a company of 50 years located on the same corner and have the same company name. I’ve

By now most of you probably realize you need to comply with EPA regulations to keep you and your body shop out of trouble. And though not everyone is gallantly fighting to save the great Planet Earth from turmoil (those of you who are, however, keep up the good work), almost all of you are