Kyle Holt Archives - BodyShop Business
Worker Death: What Went Wrong?

In March 2021, a 43-year-old worker at a vehicle aluminum parts manufacturer in Ohio was struck and killed by a machine’s barrier door. What went wrong?

Employee Care: Beating the Heat

As an employer under OSHA’s General Duty Clause, you are responsible to provide a workplace free of known safety hazards, like high temperatures in the work environment.

Eight More Ways to Fight COVID-19 in the Workplace

Eight things you can do as a responsible business owner to ensure a safe and healthful workplace.

Eight Effective Elements of COVID-19 Programs

OSHA recently released additional guidance on mitigating and preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.

Health Lessons Learned from 2020

Many health and safety habits were brought to the forefront in 2020 – many of which we would do well to keep in the workplace.

What to Expect When You’re Inspected

An understanding of an OSHA inspection can be helpful if you’re uncertain what happens before, during and after the process.

Updating Your Hazard Control Plan

With your new pandemic practices in place, it may be time to review and update your emergency plans as necessary.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask OSHA for Help

OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program offers no-cost and confidential occupational safety and health services all across the country.

Time to Chill: Protecting Your Employees in Winter Weather

How can the cold affect your employees? It’s important to be aware of the risks.

OSHA Fines: Got a Million Dollars to Spare?

In September, OSHA handed out $898,682 in proposed penalties to four Idaho Dollar Tree Stores – fines that auto shops could receive if an inspector were to find the same violations.

Preventing Heat-Related Health Problems in Your Shop

Summer is well underway, bringing with it the typical family vacations and summer activities. But in most parts of the country, the summer also brings the heat, and this year is no exception.

Holding Safety Meetings That Don’t Stink

Meetings sometimes stink. Most are long, some are boring, and others are downright unnecessary. So is there ever a reason to hold another meeting? Absolutely! You just have to change up your methods a bit and focus on the task (or meeting) at hand.