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The Final Chapter: The Slates

During the past year, BodyShop Business brought to you the Slates, new body shop owners in Tennessee who shared their trials and triumphs with us, hoping to help others who encounter similar situations.

Aftermarket Crash Parts vs. OE

Some people view the aftermarket crash parts vs. OE parts debate as a war, with the sides being the collision repair industry (wearing the armor of the OEMs) battling the insurance
industry (sporting aftermarket armor).

Singin’ the Blues in Montana: Blue Body Paint

Name: Blue Body & Paint Location: Billings, Mont. Owner: Delane Langton Established: 1989 Square Footage: 4,320 Number of Employees: Two Repair Volume: 10 per month (collision) Average Repair Ticket: $2,000 Delane Langton has the blues. It’s not that he’s sad … it’s just that, well … he likes the color! All of his cars are

Streets of Gold: Shurway AutoCenter Ltd.

Name: Shurway AutoCenter Ltd. Location: Brooklyn, N.Y. Owner: Giovanni "John" Scarfo Established: 1981 Square Footage: 17,500 Number of Employees: 20 Repair Volume: 150 cars per month When the first immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, they believed the streets of America were paved with gold. Obviously, they weren’t truly paved in a precious metal. But, to

Buffing and Polishing

Everywhere you turn, it seems another vendor has a “new and improved” solution to the art of polishing an automotive paint finish. However, buffing and polishing are
skills that can improve dramatically with plain old practice.

Will Bonding Endure a Crash

The use of “structural” adhesives to attach outer door skins, hoods, deck lids and body panels is nothing new. In fact, the vehicle manufacturers have been doing it for years.

Beauty and the Body Shop

Uncovering beauty in a beastly lot and a run-down building, shop owner Boyd Dingman is helping to change the image of the collision repair industry and to maintain the image of an Omaha, Neb., neighborhood.

Computer-Assisted Alignment

Hardware-driven alignment gear has been around since the ’70s and has simplified wheel alignment quite a bit for operators.

A Well-Rounded Painter

If your customer-service index is high and your marketing efforts are giving your shop a healthy backlog of work, you know that what happens when vehicles reach your paint
department is critical to your continued success. And what goes on in your paint department is highly dependent upon the quality.
of painters you employ.

Small-Business Administration Loans

Ask 10 body shop owners to tell you the most frustrating aspect of running their businesses, and eight of them will probably name the area of financing. It’s no secret that obtaining adequate funding to meet day-to-day needs for working capital, equipment and facilities poses a major challenge.