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Would Your Work Pass an Auto Safety Expert’s Test?

Many post-repair inspectors are finding that collision repair shops’ work isn’t up to snuff. And that can lead to a liability nightmare, not to mention the end of their businesses.

Don’t Leave Dollars on the Table: Total Losses

Total losses are often regarded as a loss to a body shop. But the fact is the loss is your customers’ and doesn’t have to be borne in any sense by your business.

Visualize Your Success

Putting in a few simple ‘traffic lights’ or visual cues in your shop can result in fast improvement
you’ll be able to see within days.

Are You Maxed Out?

Can a business ever max out on efficiency?

Envisioning the Future

If you’re ever going to get better results, you must create a new way. That means you must create ways that have never existed. And that means you must see the future and imagine those ways first.

Unlocking the Mystery of Production: Pre-Repair Management

Pre-repair management isn’t a new way to repair cars faster, better, cheaper and easier. But it’s been proven to ease the production management workload – and give you time
to focus on big ideas.

Eying Aluminum Certification? Envisioning the Future

Becoming a certified aluminum repair center isn’t easy and may not be worth
it for some, but it may prove necessary
to stay ahead of the game

Get it Straight: Universal Anchoring

Universal anchoring is still the most popular frame straightening method in the U.S., but the fixture method is quickly catching up. Here’s a comprehensive look at both methods and the machines most suited for them.

See the Light: The Importance of Good Lighting

Too many body shops work under poor lighting. But good lighting is absolutely
crucial if a shop wants to do quality work
in an efficient manner.

Don’t ‘Air’ with Your Compressor

Here’s the latest on air compressor technology and basic maintenance tips to keep yours running efficiently