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Antitrust in Insurer- Repairer Business Relations

‘Antitrust’ is spoken of frequently in the collision repair industry but is still often
misunderstood. Here’s a clear definition of what it is and how it relates to insurer- repairer business relations.

Salary vs. Commission

Each compensation method has its pros and cons. Ultimately, it comes
down to choosing the one that will compensate each individual technician according to his or her ability.

Career Shop or Stepping Stone? High Employee Turnover Rate

A high employee turnover rate can slow shop productivity, weaken the image of your business and dilute the morale of remaining employees. But by understanding techs’ most common complaints, getting personal and offering some unorthodox benefits, you can be sure the employees you hire today are with you tomorrow.

Understanding Structure

Your customers cherish their automobiles — giving them names and personalities. And while you can dispute whether cars have souls, you can’t dispute that they have dimension. In fact, looking at cars as 3-D objects is the heart and soul of understanding structure.

The Court of Diminished Value

As consumers across the country file diminished value (DV) claims against insurers and hire lawyers to file DV class-action suits, repairers need to learn what the law says about DV — and if and when the scales of justice will be tipped against them.

Looking For A Few Good Women

Forget skirts! Some women enjoy donning coveralls and working in a body shop’s production area. And though you don’t see many women in technical roles — yet — opportunities abound.

Plastic Fasteners, Clips, and Auto Body Rivets

Items such as fasteners, clips and rivets may be small, but their impact on profits can be huge. Invest in too many, and you’ll end up with stuff you’ll never use. Invest in too few, and you’ll end up not having stuff on hand that you need.

Insurer Relations Profile: Freedom to do What You Want?

Many collision repair shop owners started their businesses for the freedom owning a business offers — freedom to be your own boss, freedom to do what you want, how you want, when you want.

More Than A Desk Job: Office Managers

Being the office manager for a collision repair shop can be an exciting, sometimes confusing and very rewarding job. The key to reaping the rewards of efficient, organized and informed office mangers is to give them more responsibility than simply answering the phones, greeting customers and balancing the checkbook.

I Want My Money! Establishing Invoicing Systems to Get You Paid

Tired of getting paid late or not at all? By establishing systems for managing your accounts receivable, you’ll increase profitability, decrease stress and improve customer — and insurer — relations.