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On the Spot

Due to the misconceptions and lack of knowledge regarding squeeze-type resistance spot welding and its equipment, we conducted a welding machine challenge — a test that would simulate working on a vehicle and help shop owners make
better decisions when purchasing a machine.

Seeing the Big Picture

You can’t improve individual pieces of your business and expect overall improvement. Instead, you must examine the relationship between all the steps and begin to incrementally improve problem areas.

Viva Las Vegas

The 24th annual NACE show brings an opportunity to explore 2,000 trade show booths, further your education, hang out with friends and maybe wake up with an empty wallet and an unwanted tattoo.

Held Hostage by Your Credit

I was flabbergasted the day my local Dodge dealer questioned my ability to lease a new Dodge Dakota for one of my shop employees. Turns out, all sorts of inaccurate, slanderous information can be put on your credit report – all without your knowledge.

6% Net – 15% = Bad…Getting the Repair Plan Right

Our industry has a tough time getting the repair plan right when we have the car. Now some genius thinks that we’re going to get it right by looking at photos and that we can give back 15%? Still, I’m sure shops will be bidding like crazy — underutilization being the motivator,” says DCR Systems

Heat Shrinking Metal

Lots of controversy surrounds heat shrinking, yet I’ve successfully used this process for 40+ years. It not only makes a damaged panel repairable (and can save a job from totaling out), but it’s also a less invasive repair.

Thoughts from the NACE Show Floor

Business has been bad lately. Real bad. So I went to NACE
looking for some inspiration and insight — and I got it.

Chasing the Dream: Transition from Technician to Shop Owner

Making a successful transition from technician to shop owner is possible – provided you realize that you’ll need a completely new set of skills to manage a shop.

Paid in Full

A new service dedicated to collecting overdue and insurer-contested accounts takes the frustrating, time-consuming burden off your back — and gets you paid fairly for what you do.

Panel Bonding One (Uh)Oh One

If the vehicle manufacturer doesn’t endorse a procedure,
who the heck are you to override their decision?