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Don’t ‘Air’ with Your Compressor

Here’s the latest on air compressor technology and basic maintenance tips to keep yours running efficiently

Spending Less Can Cost More

Our jobber meant well, but when he said we could save $100 per gallon on a cheaper clear, we actually ended up losing $2 per gallon.

To Clip or Not to Clip?

“What’s the difference among what I-CAR, shops, insurance companies and car manufacturers are saying about clipping?”

Long Live the Oxyacetylene Torch

Some think the oxyacetylene torch is dead. But more than a few master techs consider it a vital tool in their arsenals, and you may too once you understand its versatility.

Measuring from the Inside Out

Thorough measuring inside the vehicle as well as outside leads to easier assembly and better quality repairs – with less last-minute emergency adjustments.

Stand Out from the Competition – Gates Auto Body

Gates Auto Body believes that standard operating practices allow companies to do what their competition doesn’t – turn their employees into top performers and maximize results.

Are You Throwing Away Money?

Every day, shops across the country donate their labor and product free of charge. Are you one of them? If you’re relying on a computer and the P-pages to do all your thinking for you, you’re losing revenue – and lots of it.

Auto Foam: Proper Application and Placement

Foam is showing up all over the modern vehicle. Although its presence adds a new level of complication to repairs, it’s imperative that it be reinstalled — and reinstalled correctly.

A Few Good Techs

Is there really a technician shortage or just a misappropriation of qualified techs? Is the pool of technicians shrinking faster than the collision repair market?
Will the end result be higher door rates?

“I Can’t Make Money On Paint!” (a.k.a Why Johnny Kicked The Dog)

At first, this shop owner thought his problem was paint, but after working with his jobber and accountant, he realized it was actually a sales problem. Now he’s making good money on paint and focusing on improving other areas of his business as well.