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Downdraft Secrets

Full downdraft spraybooths have a hefty price tag, but their performance – or that of any spraybooth – won’t be worth much if not properly maintained. Check out the following tips to help get the best results from your downdraft:

Out With The Old

A good place to start when you’re considering upgrading is to take an inventory of your shop.

Info on Permits: Spraybooths

Spraybooths come with many decisions: what type to buy, from which manufacturer, where to place it in the shop, etc. And not only do they come with decisions, but they’re also attached to responsibility.

Paint and Go

If your paint department is bottlenecked, the first thing you look at is implementing new procedures. If you’ve tried this and the bottleneck is still there, what next?

Think BIG

The honeymoon was definitely over when Darryl "The Moose" Johnson returned to a demolished home. The Dallas Cowboys fullback, while vacationing with his bride, was having a tree removed from his yard. Taking the tree out in sections, a 195,000-pound crane picked up a hunk too large to hold, swung to the center of the

Insurance Involvement

The collision-repair industry has seen many on-going changes. One aspect of change has been the growing involvement of insurance companies in the industry. We asked body shop owners and managers across the nation the following questions: “How
do you feel about the growing involvement of insurance companies”.
in the collision-repair business?" and "Has it affected
your labor rates? If so, how?"