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Maintain Profits: A Regular Maintenance Schedule

You can lose thousands of dollars a day if even one piece of equipment goes down. Prevent such costly breakdowns by committing to a regular maintenance schedule.

Inside Your Body Shop Spraybooth

Stumped by what’s going on inside your spraybooth? Can’t figure out why your paint work isn’t premo? You’re not alone. Check out this reader Q&A, and you just might find the answers you need.

What Lies Beneath: Good Surface Prep

Is a poorly prepared surface lurking under that shiny new paint job, just waiting for the right time to peel and to turn your life into comeback hell? If so, you’ve only got yourself to blame. The steps for proper surface prep haven’t changed. You just need to tart following them.

Letters to the Editors

Does Your Shop Measure Up? Your article was incredible [“Does Your Shop Measure Up?” March 2002, pg. 40]! I found (literally) my first UMS the same way your picture showed it in early 1980 in a Toyota dealership in upstate Vermont. I had just closed my small shop because of the recession and was amazed

The Case of the Disappearing Tech

The talk about the lack of the human resources in this industry.

Vehicle Repair Nightmare: What Were the OEMs Thinking?

Technical feature by Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A.: The OEMs are working to make vehicles easier to repair – but it’s not an easy undertaking.

There’s a Right Way … and There’s a Wrong Way

Paint-shop best practices.

Clean Up your Act

That tiny spec of dirt in your paint job costs you a lot more time and money to remove than it would have to prevent it. In The Big Book of Painting, page 2,344, paragraph 6, the author explains “The Rule of Dirt”: “All dirt comes to you. But from where? you sayeth. I sayeth,

The Buzz of Prosperity

For most of 2001, financial and economic news was a never-ending stream of mixed signals, confusing data and conflicting reports. Expert Analyst A disagreeing with Expert Analyst B, while both adeptly making use of computer-generated color graphics and historical case studies to prove the merits of their economic theory. During the fourth quarter, just as

PRIDE Award Winners Selected

Check out the stories behind this year’s award winners. St. Charles, Ill. – The National Auto Body Council has once again singled out those businesses, individuals and groups in the collision repair industry that have distinguished themselves and the industry by performing humanitarian and/or service deeds outside of their normal job responsibilities. This year’s PRIDE