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Getting Into Customers’ Heads: Increasing the Chances of Selling Every Job

Hopefully, we can all agree that collision repair falls into two distinct operations: sales and production. Your shop may have the very latest heated downdraft booth and the snazziest computer-driven structural-repair bench, but unless you can get the customer to let your shop perform the repair, all the equipment in the world won’t help.

Wheeling In The Profits: Tire & Wheel Service

Traditionally deemed mechanical work, tire and wheel service could be the edge your shop needs to attract more customers and inflate profits.

Working Designs: Bodyshop Layouts

More equipment and more space won’t automatically yield more profit. Productivity and profitability are just as much functions of managment as they are physical capacity.

Drop the Gun and Step Away from the Adjuster

Believe it or not, there are seasoned appraisers in the industry who aren’t the enemy — and who aren’t happy with insurers’ penny-pinching policies that disregard quality and fair profit In my September Editor’s Notes, I wrote about an appraiser named Pat, who has some interesting views regarding the industry. You see, Pat is on

The Road Ahead

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict the future — the challenges awaiting shop owners aren’t a mystery. The mystery is whether or not shop owners will prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.

The Spanish Experience: Spain’s Collision Repairers

Like bulls in a bullfight, Spanish collision repairers struggle to stay alive. But, as their country and their country’s way of doing business changes, they’ll need to assume the role of matador if they wish to take charge and survive.

Streamlining the Industry

Collision repair has been a fragmented and inefficient industry for years — but consolidators are hoping to change all that.

The Aftermarket Parts War

Don’t surrender in defeat. If your business has suffered because of imitation-parts usage, consider these strategies to help heal your battle wounds.

One-Track Mind to Success

Focus on Body Shops of America…..

Think Safety

What do you think of when someone says “shop safety”? The word safety means the condition of being safe from hurt, injury or loss – no matter where you are.