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California Anti-Steering Bill Moves to Senate

California A.B. 1200, which would allow insurers to discuss benefits offered by their companies any time during the claims process, was passed by the State Assembly Monday. The bill, which was amended from its original version (click HERE for more information), would add the following to the California Insurance Code anti-steering statute: Nothing in this

California Assembly Insurance Committee Backs Amended Anti-Steering Bill

The California Assembly’s Insurance Committee has unanimously recommended the passage of A.B. 1200, a bill that would allow insurers to discuss benefits offered by their companies during any part of the claims process. Originally, the bill would have added the following to the California Insurance Code’s anti-steering statute: Nothing in this section prohibits an insurer

California Assembly Insurance Committee Backs Amended Anti-Steering Bill

The California Assembly’s Insurance Committee has unanimously recommended the passage of A.B. 1200, a bill that would allow insurers to discuss benefits offered by their companies during any part of the claims process. Originally, the bill would have added the following to the California Insurance Code’s anti-steering statute: Nothing in this section prohibits an insurer

California Assembly Committee Recommends Passing Amended Anti-Steering Bill

The California Assembly’s Insurance Committee has unanimously recommended the passage of A.B. 1200, a bill that would allow insurers to discuss benefits offered by their companies during any part of the claims process. Originally, the bill would have added the following to the California Insurance Code’s anti-steering statute: Nothing in this section prohibits an insurer

Legislative Lowdown

Federal – The U.S. House of Representatives is considering a bill that would remove the federal antitrust exemption from the insurance industry. In repealing the exemption, the Insurance Industry Competition Act would give the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) the authority to apply antitrust laws to anticompetitive behavior by insurance companies

SCRS Supports Requiring Insurers to Note Difference Between Assesments and Estimates

The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) says it supports any effort that would require first or third party claimants to receive written disclosure that any damage assessment provided by the insurer is not a written estimate of repair costs, as California’s A.B. 1179 would require. “We believe this is in the best interest of

SCRS Supports Disclosure by Insurers that Damage Assessment is Not Estimate

The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) says it supports any effort that would require first- or third-party claimants to receive written disclosure that any damage assessment provided by the insurer is not a written estimate of repair costs, as California’s A.B. 1179 would require. “We believe this is in the best interest of the

California Bill Would Allow Insurers to Promote DRPs in Any Circumstance

The California Assembly is considering a bill that states insurers can provide claimants with truthful, non-deceptive information about DRP shops at any time while discussing a claim. The bill adds the following to California Insurance Code Section 758.5, the anti-steering statute: Nothing in this section prohibits an insurer from providing a claimant with truthful, nondeceptive

California Bill Would Allow Insurers to Promote DRPs at Any Time While Discussing Claims

The California Assembly is considering a bill that states insurers can provide claimants with truthful, non-deceptive information about DRP shops at any time while discussing a claim. The bill would add the following to California Insurance Code Section 758.5, the anti-steering statute: Nothing in this section prohibits an insurer from providing a claimant with truthful,

California Bill Would Require Insurers to Disclose that Their Damage Assessments Are Not Estimates

A bill introduced in the California Assembly would require insurers to disclose in writing to claimants that any damage assessment made by the insurer is not a written estimate of repair costs and that only facilities licensed by the state Board of Autobody Repair can write an estimate. A.B. 1179 is supported by the California