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4 Structural Repair Laws to Live By

Many of us still rely on the might of the hammer and the sweat of the brow to return a twisted pile of sheet metal back to a safe and serviceable vehicle. But you can reduce that sweat by using a little common sense and applying a few laws of physics.

Why No One Wants Smart Kids to Become Repairers

“Why do our best students get pushed to go to college when we know that only 25 percent of all college graduates go on to employment in their field? Meanwhile, trades are overlooked. How can the collision industry compete with white collar, high-tech industries?” – Dan McClellan, autobody instructor, Great Johnstown Vocational Technical School, Johnstown, Pa

5 Secrets for Successful Structural Repairs

Yesterday’s strategy for repairing vehicle frames: Pull really hard. Today’s strategy for repairing vehicle frames: Analyze the damage, hold, block, pressure monitor and stress relieve.

More Brains, Less Brawn: Straightening a Vehicle

Brute force isn’t necessary to straighten a vehicle. Still, techs like to flex their muscles rather than use their brains to get the job done.

A Balanced Business Decision: Performing In-House Wheel Balancing & Tire and Rim Service

The vehicles that grace our repair bays have one thing in common: They all have at least four wheels. And more than likely, their balance has been affected by the collision. You know what that means? There’s money to be made by performing in-house wheel balancing and tire and rim service.

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Choosing a New Paint Brand?

It takes more than a coin flip to decide whether to choose a new paint brand or stick with the one you have. Sure, a new paint product with all sorts of new bells and whistles may entice you to jump ship from your current brand, but make sure you do your homework before taking that leap.

Off With the Parts!

Shuffling new parts from metal department to paint department and back again is beginning to show its age. Though industry critics insist painting parts off the car isn’t a practical alternative, some production shops disagree – and have the reduced cycle times and increased profits to prove it.

Point and Click for Parts

Buying crash parts online may save a lot of shops a lot of time. But as the Internet continues to grow and online parts dealers continue to pop up faster than long-lost cousins at a lottery winner’s mobile home, the question of whether or not the industry is ready remains. The technology seems to be there, but does that mean it’s a good idea?

ycle Time and Punishment: Their Cross-Country Sales Trek had taken a Short Recess

The sign ahead said, “Welcome to Judgment: Population 801.” It was crooked, like the tower in Pisa, and the white background was badly rusted. Weeds, like tangled wires at Christmas, wrapped tightly around the metal stem of the sign. Pete Simpson, who was driving, wondered if the population hadn’t changed at all since the sign

Door Skin Installation: A Bonding Experience

While some OEMs have been bonding door skins for more than eight years, the repair is just now becoming an accepted practice in body shops. In fact, with the products and procedures available today, technicians can duplicate the same type of adhesive bonding that’s being used on door skin panels from the OEMs.