BodyShop Business Staff Writers, Author at BodyShop Business - Page 1634 of 1641
No Problem!

The team concept can increase morale, production and efficiency.

Letters to the Editor

Georgina, I wish to congratulate you on penning a most stunningly wonderful editorial [Victims of Our Own Stupidity? Dec. 2001, pg. 4], which I felt handily expresses an honest and very realistic observational sense of candor. Your brave thoughts on this social topic strikes a solid, resonating chord deep within my own noggin, for I’ve

Choosing a Distinctive Business Name

Here are a few guidelines from to use in your quest for a distinctive business name:

What’s Your Sign? OSHA Requirements

Caution, No smoking, High voltage, EEOC — your shop may be full of signs like these. Do you know which ones the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires your shop to have? If you don’t, all signs point to you sitting down and reading this.

Girl Hits Six Cars … and Flunks Driver’s Test

Imagine failing your driver’s test – because you hit six cars.

Letters to the Editors

If You Do It, Charge for It Dear Ms. Georgina Kajganic: In response to Mr. Yurek’s article, “If You Do It, Charge For It” [Sept. 2001, pg. 36], it’s about the same things my father complained about. We’re a company of 50 years located on the same corner and have the same company name. I’ve

United We Stand: On September 11th, the United States Stood Up

“Only through peril and great upheavals can a Nation be brought to further development. May the present upheaval lead to a better world.” — Albert Einstein

Why DRPs are Unprofitable for UK Bodyshops

Market facts & business information.

Letters to the Editors

The Need for Speed Dear Mr. Bailey: I liked your article in the August issue of BodyShop Business [Supervising Smarts, pg. 20]. I’ve watched the industry turn in the unfortunate direction of the almighty dollar for quite awhile now, and I wish there were more techs out there like you who cared about the quality

A Master Plan: A Maintenance Schedule Checklist

Use this checklist as a starting point to tailor a maintenance schedule to fit your shop’s needs.

Welding Equipment Essentials

If you expect your welding equipment to last longer and perform better, preventative maintenance is a must.

Air Care: Air Compressors

Your air compressor is the heart of your shop’s production, so it pays to give this often-neglected unit more than a passing glance.