2004 Editions Archives - Page 8 of 9 - BodyShop Business
Write Better Estimates

The estimate is the most important aspect of our business process. If an estimate is poorly written, it can wreak havoc on your shop and cost you a boatload of cash.

Sell your Estimate

If you’re not explaining your estimate to a consumer and preparing him for why your competitor’s estimate may be lower, you might as well not bother writing the estimate.

Return of the Red Tomato!

Starsky and Hutch – along with their famous Gran Torino – hit the big screen this month. Can this retro remake live up to its TV series roots? You decide. Return of the Red Tomato!

The Cynic’s Guide to Structural Repairs

After 30 years of working on critically wounded vehicles, I can safely say I’ve pretty much done it all when it comes to surgical frame and structure repairs. I can also safely say that timely, quality repairs can still be done in our time-and-labor-hostile environment.

Scion xB

Toyota’s got a new vehicle it hopes Gen Yers will go crazy for. Scion xB


A massive segment of repairers – wallowing in yesteryear’s thinking and uninterested in learning anything new – are driving themselves out of business. Do you fit this description?

Putting the Industry to the Test

Are your technicians qualified to perform the jobs they are required to do in your shop?

Why Was He Fired?

Progressive wasn’t thrilled with me exposing the fact that they’re now writing some paint times as ‘judgment times.’ In fact, they were furious,” says Mark, a tech with 33 years experience who lost his job after sending in a “Letter to the Editor” about how area Progressive direct-repair shops are being told by adjusters that if they’re not painting color on the whole panel, it’s a blend and only pays partial paint time.

STRSW: Try It. You’ll Like It (Squeeze Type Resistance Spot Welding )

Considered expensive compared to other types of welders, resistance spot welders have met with a lot of resistance. Yes, they’re different than what we’re used to, but they also produce a factory-like weld in less time.

Sold: Have You Ever Wondered what Happens to Body Shop Owners who Sell their Businesses?

In the final installment of our series, former shop owner Tom Sellers recounts why not to use buried money as a down payment and why he sold his shop to the son of a former competitor.

The Uphill Battle

Dealing with the same issues, problems or complaints over and over again.

The Jury’s In: An Epiphany

After getting out of jury duty, I had a epiphany: I’m an idiot. Reasonable people like me and you) should serve on juries. If insurers didn’t pay out millions to attorneys and “victims,” maybe – just maybe – they wouldn’t nickel and dime shops so much. Every now and then, all the bits and pieces