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Disproving the Wheel Alignment Fallacy

The next time an adjuster wants to pay you tire-center prices for a collision wheel alignment, get out the P-pages and educate him till he gets it.

Build a Better Mousetrap, and the World Will Beat a Path to Your Door

7 strategies for quality-driven shops to maintain profitability in a marketplace fixated on “fast” and “cheap.”

Inside an Old-Timer’s Toolbox

In the early days when a bodyman faced a repair problem, he couldn’t just buy what he needed. He had to conceive a tool that would repair the problem- and then forge it himself.

Inverter MIG Welders:Turn Your World Upside Down

On a mission to learn how to better repair lightweight panels, I began investigating inverter welders. And was pleasantly surprised.

Disposable Cars?

More repair-friendly vehicles don’t appear to be in our future, equating to fewer vehicles being repairable and those that aren’t totaled costing more to repair.

Shop Profile: Cornering the Luxury Market

This shop owner knew what he wanted and got it: a thriving
business that repairs high-end vehicles and doesn’t compromise on quality.

Assembly-Line Processing:Coming Soon to a Shop Near You

As repair dollars shrink and competition grows, we need to change the way we process vehicles to stay competitive and profitable.

OE Direct: Friend or Foe?

OED discounts OE parts, making them more appealing to the insurance industry and benefiting the repairer, who might have otherwise had to use aftermarket. But the forced vendor relationships, erosion of parts profits and possible insurer involvement are raising repairer eyebrows and concerns.

Pump Up the Volume

Can you increase volume by 35 percent without compromising quality while still working within insurance companies’ guidelines? This shop manager says, “Yes.”

Pump Up the Volume

Can you increase volume by 35 percent without compromising quality while still working within insurance companies’ guidelines? This shop manager says, “Yes.”