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Bought Out

“If I knew then what I know now …”. Only after promising them anonymity would several former shop owners speak openly about why they sold to consolidators, where it’s gotten them and if they regret it.

A State of Unions Address

While many shop owners say a unionized workforce would spell disaster for their businesses, many techs say industry labor rates are making a disaster of their paychecks. Is a drastic change needed – and will that change come in the form of unions?

I’m Just A Bill: Why Not Get Involved?

On Capitol Hill, a lot of bills await their fate. And many of them — if enacted into law — will affect the profitability of your business. Why, then, aren’t more collision repairers actively involved in legislative activity?

The Next Generation: So What the Heck Are They Thinking?

If you knew what potential technicians were thinking, you could better encourage them into pursuing collision repair as a career.

Tips For Filter Disposal

To dispose of spraybooth and prep-station filters, shops have a number of options from which to choose, but not all of them are cost effective — or legal.

Writing Better Estimates

Have you ever heard the saying “with knowledge comes power”? Whether you have or haven’t, take a moment to think about how powerful that statement really is. Now relate that statement to running your business.

Finding Your Niche

What’s had the living daylights kicked out of it and smells like a herd of horses? It could be your next job. Repairing horse trailers, offering rental cars or spraying on bed liners are just some insurer-free services that can boost your bottom line.

Weighing the Options: Repair or Replace?

To repair or replace shouldn’t be decided by tossing a coin or by an insurance company. If you’re unsure what to do, your best bet for success is to talk with techs who’ve been there, done that.

A New Profit Center: Part 3 of “Getting Paid for What You Know”!

It’s estimated that more than 100,000 people in the United States need — and will pay for — your automotive expertise on a daily basis. This is the last part of a three-part series designed to show you how to get paid for what you know.

The Spanish Experience: Spain’s Collision Repairers

Like bulls in a bullfight, Spanish collision repairers struggle to stay alive. But, as their country and their country’s way of doing business changes, they’ll need to assume the role of matador if they wish to take charge and survive.