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Out With Estimating!

Estimating has no value whatsoever to the customer, so by definition it is
waste. Plus, it gives birth to almost every other kind of waste in the collision
repair process. So the logical thing to do is…get rid of it!

Work Off Your Own Estimate

I remember 20 years ago when a wreck would be driven in or towed in and we would let the insurance company write the estimate, putting “repair as per insurance estimate” on the work order. Then, we would order the parts and fix the car. There might even have been an occasional phone call made

State of the Industry 2006

State of the Industry 2006 Too many shops, not enough work, not enough profit, too much insurer involvement and not enough business expertise on the part of shop owners are all contributing to the sorry state that is the collision repair industry. When repairers are discussing the state of the collision repair industry, I’m always

Mobile Paint Repairs vs. Body Shop Paint Repairs

Body shops look at mobile painters as the enemy, stealing precious work away from them. But realizing the benefits these painters offer could change their perspectives.

Rethinking Shop Profitability

The collision repair climate has changed a lot over the past 20 years. A look at your
numbers can reveal a new strategy for making money in this new environment.

The Unofficial Collision Repair Dictionary

Many terms are used every day at our shops, but their true meanings are often muddled by the craziness of our business. A quick check of the dictionary can get us back on track.

Ditch Your One-Dimensional Ways: Diversification

Only selling collision repair service these days? Diversification is the answer
to getting your profits back and making your business worth owning.

Examining the State of the Industry

Too many shops, not enough work, not enough profit, too much insurer involvement and not enough business expertise on the part of shop owners are all contributing to the sorry state that is the collision repair industry.

“I Can’t Make Money on Paint!” (a.k.a. Why Johnny Kicked the Dog.)

Too many shops post their entire jobber bill to materials – even though much
of it isn’t paint. Shops then sell these items as miscellaneous parts, with the sale going to parts and the cost to paint. To make matters worse, shops are working off adjuster estimates – which can easily cost them hundreds of dollars per RO.

The Business of Steering

Every day, insurance companies steer vehicle owners away from shops they consider “troublesome” and toward shops they don’t. Sometimes, their steering is perfectly legal. Sometimes, it’s not. When it’s not, they’re often betting that neither the vehicle owner nor the shop owner will be knowledgeable enough of the law to know that they’re breaking it.