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When Disaster Strikes

If you’ve even casually kept up with the news in recent years, then you’ve probably noticed a disturbing increase in the number of natural disasters in the 1990s:

Better Safe Than Sorry: Are You Ready?

Natural disasters – such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes – can occur with little or no warning. Do you have a plan in place to minimize property damage and provide
safety for all your employees?

Utilizing Your Air Compressor

It would be hard to imagine a body shop that could work without compressed air. In fact, it could be said that the heart of your shop’s production lies in your air compressor
– a sometimes misunderstood and often neglected unit.

Employees and Ergonomics

Professionals who work with their hands -and the companies for which they work – are learning that productivity and safety are linked to safe ergonomic practices and smart tool

S-TRSW Comes of Age

Modern body shop repair techniques have come a long way from straightening a frame with floor pots and pullers and banging away on dented fenders. These days, it’s a matter
of pulling substructures to exacting measurements with the use of high-tech frame machines and of attaching new body parts to
the straightened substructure.

What A Tangled Web We Weave: Re-Installing Electrical Components and Wiring

Now that all the metal repair and refinishing has been completed, it’s time to start thinking about reinstalling all the electrical components and wiring removed before and during
the repairs, right?

Blueprints for Success: A Plan for Profits

Floor plans lay the groundwork for production, but other factors build on this foundation. To construct a solid business – brick by brick – learn how four shops implemented a plan for profits.

Your Questions Answered

Searching for solutions to common shop layout problems? Search no more. These expert suggestions may be just what you need to solve your blueprint blues.

Body Shop Layout and Design

By altering the collision repair process and better using what you’ve already got, a 10,000- to 20,000-square-foot facility can produce what traditionally required 75,000 to 100,000
square feet.

Under Construction: Remodeling for Optimization

Three shop owners remodeled to optimize their operations. Was it worth the cost and aggravation? Absolutely