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Inverter MIG Welders:Turn Your World Upside Down

On a mission to learn how to better repair lightweight panels, I began investigating inverter welders. And was pleasantly surprised.

The Rental Car Roller Coaster

I’ve been renting cars for 23 years. If you’re also thinking of getting into the rental car business, I’ve got two words of advice: Hang on!

Hybrids: Why They’re Here To Stay

Fuel costs – gasoline or diesel – seem to be creeping ever higher. This is probably natural because of the rules of supply and demand. Oil is a finite resource, and as we use more of our own American crude in the lower 48, we’re going further afield to supply our ever-expanding need for more

Repairs that Pay

    Most collision repair professionals – the frame guy and the painter all the way through to the manager and the owner – take pride in repairing automobiles correctly for their customers. Not many people in any business are so cold and callused that they can sell a product or service they believe is

Full Metal Traffic: Ford & Bullet-Proof Vehicles

The Town Car BPS (Ballistic Protection Series) is designed to protect its passengers, for a price!

6 Steps to Turn That Frown Upside Down

There are times when you must fire a customer.

Market Pricing: Examining the Forces Behind It

independently of recessions and bear markets? Some industry leaders would say yes, they do. The reality is that body shop sales tend to follow meteorological trends rather than economic indicators. Hail storms and the shellacking of ice that some cities get in the winter do more to drive markets for body work than does the

Plastic Filler: a Good Product in Bad Hands

When plastic filler first hit the market, no depth of filler was too great and manufacturer’s instructions were just there to make the can look good. Even today, decades later, plastic filler is still misunderstood and misused. Why? Because repairers try to use it as a substitute for skill.

Damaged Goods

Fact: Consumers won’t pay as much for a vehicle that’s been wrecked and repaired as they will for a vehicle that’s never been in an accident. This market condition – or stigma as some like to call it – diminishes the vehicle in value, regardless of how expertly repaired it may have been.

Don’t You Be the Judge

What do you do when an insurer only wants to pay half of what it actually costs to repair a vehicle? Charge for all the necessary procedures, educate your customer and take the insurer to small claims court.