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Quest for Metallic Control

Though most painters don’t like to admit it, they struggle with metallics. But if we slow down a little and anticipate problems before they arise, those redos will be few and
far between.

Busy But Broke

Repairing cars is only a part of what we do. Ultimately, we run a collision repair buisness – which means we need to make a profit on the cars wedo fix.

Are You Throwing Away Money?

Every day, shops across the country donate their labor and product free of charge. Are you one of them? If you’re relying on a computer and the P-pages to do all your thinking for you, you’re losing revenue – and lots of it.

Re-Inventing Collision Repair

DCR Systems is using standard operating procedures to drive consistency, quality and continuous improvement.

Know Who You Are to Maximize Profits

Pretty much in every aspect of our economy today, you can find examples of high-volume production services mixed with lower-volume custom services to meet the varying needs of end-users and consumers across the country. When it comes to consumable goods, Wal-Mart sets the standard for high-volume, mass consumerism. Yet, their mega-store, hyper-mart approach is offset

Pricing Paint and Materials

The ‘dollars times hours’ formula no longer makes sense. But if insurers can get shops to continue to accept this old formula, why should they voluntarily change what they pay?

Understanding Airbags

Many shop personnel say ‘it’s not my job’ to know the basics about how and why airbags work. I disagree. Not only do we owe it to our customers, but we can use this knowledge to differentiate ourselves from the competition and get the job.

“I Can’t Make Money On Paint!” (a.k.a Why Johnny Kicked The Dog)

At first, this shop owner thought his problem was paint, but after working with his jobber and accountant, he realized it was actually a sales problem. Now he’s making good money on paint and focusing on improving other areas of his business as well.

Working on Hybrids: A Body Shop Primer

Hybrids account for only 1% of all U.S. light-vehicle sales, which actually presents a dilemma for shops: Because hybrids aren’t all that common (yet), shops aren’t as familiar with the potential hazards as they should be.