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Editor’s Notes: Look, Ma, No Hands!

When I first read about driverless cars, I was appalled. But the idea has been growing on me.

Editor’s Notes: In the News…

CNN’s special investigation left many feeling they didn’t show a complete picture of the insurance claims, repair and parts procurement processes.

Editor’s Notes: The Way We Do Things Around Here

Do you have a “The Way We Do Things Around Here” list hanging in your shop? If you don’t, how are your employees supposed to know what to do and how to act?

Editor’s Notes: Getting Paid for Aluminum Repairs

How are body shops going to be compensated for aluminum repairs to justify the equipment and training costs? Simple. Know your cost of doing business and charge accordingly.

Editor’s Notes: Rescue Me

Who knew reality shows could teach you so much about business?

Editor’s Notes: Let’s Take the Lead

rned it from Noah Rickun of BuyGitomer, Inc., who gave a presentation on sales mastery at the Paint, Body & Equipment Specialists Spring Conference held April 28-29 in Phoenix. But it lets me also chime in on the aftermarket parts controversy stirred up by a demonstration at January’s Collision Industry Conference that gave people the

EDITOR’S NOTES: Same Old, Same Old

I attended a recent Collision Industry Conference (CIC) and heard this: “We have all the people we need in this room to get something done without turning to politicians.” The person obviously believes that legislation doesn’t always solve the collision repair industry’s problems. I’ve also heard another version of the same thing addressing regulation of

EDITOR’S NOTES: Make It Your Mission

Do you have a mission statement? You should. If you don’t, it’s like trying to steer a rudderless boat. You might say, “It’s just words on paper.” Not really. It’s words on paper that prove you sat back, took a break from the hustle and bustle of your business, and reflected on what your business

EDITOR’S NOTES: A Training Timeout

The first thing that surprised me as the woman introduced all of us in the room was how many different industries were represented. Here I thought I would be surrounded by collision repairers. It about blew me over that people from the banking, media and recreation industries had come to seek marketing, sales and operation

EDITOR’S NOTES: A Worthwhile Investment

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a body shop owner complain about spending all this money to train one of his technicians, only to watch the tech take off down the street to a competitor. But never before had I heard what Doug Kielian, owner of Auto Kraft in Lincoln, Neb., told