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Skin Replacement…For Doors

While it’s possible to repair a door skin properly and profitably, replacing a door skin is cleaner, can be faster and can also produce a better-quality repair — once you know what you’re doing.

Industrialization of the Industry

You don’t have to manufacture automobiles, guns or hamburgers to take advantage of the industrialized process. Such assembly-line concepts can be applied to vehicle repairs, too. Some shops have gone so far as to specialize in departments — paint, metal, mechanical — but they could go even further.

The Court of Diminished Value

As consumers across the country file diminished value (DV) claims against insurers and hire lawyers to file DV class-action suits, repairers need to learn what the law says about DV — and if and when the scales of justice will be tipped against them.

Pinstriping Possibilities

Your techs don’t need the artistic skills of Picasso to repair or create pinstriping patterns. With a small investment in tools and supplies, they can accent customers’ vehicles — and your bottom line.

How to Fix Rust on Cars, Trucks

As you read this, a vehicle somewhere is rusting. And although rust repair isn’t for everyone, a shop owner somewhere is profiting from it. Could that shop owner be you?

Window of Opportunity? Glass Installation…

If you thought glass installation would be a simple, trouble-free profit center, think again. Properly replacing glass is just as complicated as properly repairing collision

Straighten or Fill?

Many techs look at a job and immediately think about how to fill it, never considering straightening. In fact, some techs believe no job is complete without plastic filler.

Waste Not, Want Not

Utilizing a computerized paint-management system decreases paint waste, reduces repair costs and increases profits.

Purchasing Profile

Some shop owners felt pressured by insurers to make purchases, while others felt competitive pressure to keep up.

Is Spot Welding Viable?

Used in the manufacture of modern vehicles, spot welding becomes a bit more complicated when applied to collision repair.