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The Buzz of Prosperity

For most of 2001, financial and economic news was a never-ending stream of mixed signals, confusing data and conflicting reports. Expert Analyst A disagreeing with Expert Analyst B, while both adeptly making use of computer-generated color graphics and historical case studies to prove the merits of their economic theory. During the fourth quarter, just as

5 Tips to Make the Money Coat Count: Your Spray Gun

You spend hours trying to achieve the perfect paint job only to face a re-do and an irate customer. But don’t go blaming your paint. The culprit is likely your spray gun not being properly adjusted or as clean as you think.

10 Steps For Delivering a Lean, Mean, Clean Machine

When you carefully detail vehicles, customers are reassured the entire repair was equally well done. In fact, their satisfaction will increase by as much as 40 percent if their vehicles are truly sparkling clean on delivery.

The Spraybooth School of Hard Knocks

Everybody makes mistakes. (Trust me, I’ve been party to some big ones.) But if you learn from those mishaps instead of dwelling on them, you’ll come out ahead – and may even avoid a repeat performance.

Back It Up: Crossdraft Booths

The old axiom is that two parts of the car must be flawless – the driver’s door and the hood – because the owner sees both every time he drives the car. Though you can’t change the way a crossdraft booth works, you can change the way you place the car in the booth.

The Magic Behind Making a Manager

“Working together is the most important thing we do. To accomplish this, you need good management. How can you find and groom a shop manager who’ll foster teamwork and create a productive environment?” – Brandon Mitchell, assistant shop manager, Elliott Chevrolet, Athens, Texas

Running With the Big Dogs

“Things have changed with the way smaller body shops are treated by jobbers and product companies.Ten years ago, we saw more product support and received more attention from reps. How can we smaller shops get the same customer service and savings on products as the bigger guys? – GiGi Walker, owner, Walker’s Auto Body, Concord, Calif.

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Choosing a New Paint Brand?

It takes more than a coin flip to decide whether to choose a new paint brand or stick with the one you have. Sure, a new paint product with all sorts of new bells and whistles may entice you to jump ship from your current brand, but make sure you do your homework before taking that leap.

7 Ways to Save Money on Materials

‘Tis the season to spend money on gifts for family and friends. No money, you say? You need a Christmas miracle? You don’t need a jolly old elf with eight tiny reindeer to reduce your expenditure for paint and materials. In fact, if you follow these seven proven steps, you’ll be stuffing stockings with increased profits.

A Not-So-Sticky Subject: Adhesives

When ancient Egyptians boiled animal hides to make glue, they had no idea how far modern chemistry would take adhesives. Today, two-component epoxy, urethane and acrylic glues are being used as structural panel bonding adhesives – and OEMs have given their stamps of approval.