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Mastering the Mig

When I was faced with writing about MIG welding, it brought back memories of a friend who has long since passed on to the other side. What my friend Bernie lacked in luck (hence his early demise from an untimely car accident), he made up for with good intentions.

Head of the (Training) Class

As I-CAR’s new executive vice president and CEO, Tom McGee is responsible for developing all of the technical training programs and services. Big job? Absolutely. But it beats the heck out of bussing tables at Big Boy.

Plastic Filler: a Good Product in Bad Hands

When plastic filler first hit the market, no depth of filler was too great and manufacturer’s instructions were just there to make the can look good. Even today, decades later, plastic filler is still misunderstood and misused. Why? Because repairers try to use it as a substitute for skill.

Maintain Profits: A Regular Maintenance Schedule

You can lose thousands of dollars a day if even one piece of equipment goes down. Prevent such costly breakdowns by committing to a regular maintenance schedule.

Putting the Squeeze on Repairs

I’ve been the not-so-proud owner of four spot welders because I’m cheap. Though I wanted all the benefits of a top-quality welder, I didn’t want to pay for top quality. Learn from my mistakes … please.

Putting Our Heads Together

Want more claims dollars? Strive to standardize your business.

Weld It Right: Know the Best Gas Mixture for MIG?

Welding is probably the least understood repair procedure in the collision industry, yet it’s the most critical. Do your techs know the best gas mixture for MIG welding high-strength steel or the proper gun angle for making a lap joint? Are you sure?

Rear Clipping: Does It Deserve Its Bad Rap?

We’ve all heard horror stories about rear full body sectioning, which has lost its favorable status with insurers, repairers and consumers. But was the problem the procedure – or the people performing it?

4 Structural Repair Laws to Live By

Many of us still rely on the might of the hammer and the sweat of the brow to return a twisted pile of sheet metal back to a safe and serviceable vehicle. But you can reduce that sweat by using a little common sense and applying a few laws of physics.

Two Words: Plastic Refinish

As plastic components become more prevalent on auto exteriors, it’s becoming crucial to know how to properly refinish these parts.