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The “Big 3” Interview

Reps from Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler speak candidly about their plans, their problems and their predictions for the collision repair industry.

A Case for Competition: OEMs vs. A/M Parts

A/M crash parts were once the collision industry’s best-kept secret — until insurers discovered them. When the tables turned, so did repairers allegiance to A/M parts. But where would the industry be if only OEMs supplied replacement crash parts?

More Than A Desk Job: Office Managers

Being the office manager for a collision repair shop can be an exciting, sometimes confusing and very rewarding job. The key to reaping the rewards of efficient, organized and informed office mangers is to give them more responsibility than simply answering the phones, greeting customers and balancing the checkbook.

I Want My Money! Establishing Invoicing Systems to Get You Paid

Tired of getting paid late or not at all? By establishing systems for managing your accounts receivable, you’ll increase profitability, decrease stress and improve customer — and insurer — relations.

Is Your Shop Lost? Estimators and Knowledge Go Together

A solid estimate is the road map to quality repairs and higher profits. But if your estimator isn’t knowledgeable enough, he could steer your shop in the wrong direction.

Managing To Be Great

Great managers possess an uncanny knack for juggling, allowing them to be everything to everybody.

Building Basics

Should you build a new facility? Before donning a hard hat and diving into construction, put on your thinking cap to determine if building new is for you.

Big Ideas For Small Budgets: Enlarging your Facility

Imagine adding an estimating or detailing bay for less than $5,000. Think it’s impossible? Not with today’s canopy buildings and overhangs

Balanced Budget

As more white collars enter the industry, shop owners need to become better business people by learning how to better manage their money.

No Bonding Allowed

It wasn’t long ago that the only choice a repair technician had to replace a quarter panel, roof or door skin was to cut it off and weld it back on.