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Lexus, Toyota to Make Automated Braking Standard on Most Models by End of 2017

Move will make automatic emergency braking technology widely available four years ahead of the 2022 industry target recently announced by NHTSA and IIHS.

Computers Qualify as Drivers, NHTSA Tells Google

This move marks a major step toward ultimately winning approval for autonomous cars on the road.

Google’s Self-Driving Car Report Shows Need for Driver Behind Wheel

Consumer Watchdog claims that, over 15 months, Google’s robot technology failed and handed control to the driver 272 times, and a test driver felt compelled to intervene 69 times.

A Glimpse into the Future

What our business might look like in 2045 is anyone’s guess. And guess we did, starting with what Mrs. Smith’s ride might look like.

Former GM Exec Says Driverless Cars Could Hit Market by 2018

GM has been working on computer-driven vehicles for the past decade, but Google has been at the forefront of the movement, testing driverless cars on public roads since 2012.

Toyota Testing ‘Highway Teammate’ Self-Driving Car

Car reflects automaker’s belief that interactions between drivers and cars should mirror those between close friends who share a common purpose, sometimes watching over each other and sometimes helping each other out.

Driverless Taxis to Take Test Spins Around Japanese Town

Fujisawa residents will be ferried in driverless cars, which, if successful, could be used to transport visitors for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Tweaked Laser Pointer Can Bring Self-Driving Car to a Halt

Scientist proves point that self-driving cars’ reliance on laser-ranging systems make them susceptible to hacking.

Female Car Owners Are More Tech-Ready Than Men According to National Consumer Survey By Jabian Consulting

Survey finds 38 percent of women believe driverless cars are the way of the future, compared to only 21 percent of men, and 54 percent of women would pay for an app that allows their car to communicate what’s wrong with it prior to service, compared to only 38 percent of men.

Are Driverless Cars Safer Cars?

Wall Street Journal article states that industry officials are saying automotive executives touting self-driving cars should focus on the vehicles’ impact on safety.