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The History of Spraybooths

We’ve gone from painting cars next to an open window – using a paint brush – to high-tech booths smarter than we are. How’d this happen?

Buying Power: Downdraft Spraybooths

Thinking about purchasing a new downdraft spraybooth or prep station? If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Proper Handling: Hazardous Wastes

You can’t eliminate the risks involved in the transport and disposal of your hazardous wastes, but you can minimize them.

The Powder Paint Project

To create a cleaner, greener automotive paint, the Big Three are collaborating to put powder coatings on cars – and to send solvent clearcoats the way of dinosaurs.

The Necessary Equipment

If your shop were simply painting used cars,
you could do an adequate job with a bare minimum of equipment.
A paint gun, a random orbit sander and a masking machine would
get most of the work done. If you intend to do productive collision
repair, however, much more equipment is necessary.

Surviving a Shop Inspection

Don’t wait to become a statistic. Any money spent on being proactive now is money that won’t be spent on fines later

Utilizing Your Air Compressor

It would be hard to imagine a body shop that could work without compressed air. In fact, it could be said that the heart of your shop’s production lies in your air compressor
– a sometimes misunderstood and often neglected unit.

Blueprints for Success: A Plan for Profits

Floor plans lay the groundwork for production, but other factors build on this foundation. To construct a solid business – brick by brick – learn how four shops implemented a plan for profits.

Peak Performance: Maintaining the Equipment in Your Paint Shop

The investment in a state-of-the-art paint department can be mind boggling.

Hazardous Free

Dave Humes, owner of Humes Collision Center in Hermantown, Minn., made some
changes in his shop that he’d reduce his hazardous waste by 60 percent.