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Without a Glitch

To be profitable, a body shop needs to operate efficiently. And many shop owners – when considering how to obtain optimum efficiency – incorrectly concentrate all their efforts on revamping their shop layout and design. While these are important – as is equipment placement – their being overhauled typically isn’t going to turnaround a struggling

Electrical Troubleshooting

Whether you’re working on a vehicle just involved in a collision or repairing one with a reoccurring electrical problem, a familiarity with strategy-based diagnostic flow charts
is critical.

When Disaster Strikes

If you’ve even casually kept up with the news in recent years, then you’ve probably noticed a disturbing increase in the number of natural disasters in the 1990s:

Better Safe Than Sorry: Are You Ready?

Natural disasters – such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes – can occur with little or no warning. Do you have a plan in place to minimize property damage and provide
safety for all your employees?

What A Tangled Web We Weave: Re-Installing Electrical Components and Wiring

Now that all the metal repair and refinishing has been completed, it’s time to start thinking about reinstalling all the electrical components and wiring removed before and during
the repairs, right?

Under Construction: Remodeling for Optimization

Three shop owners remodeled to optimize their operations. Was it worth the cost and aggravation? Absolutely

Blueprint Boo-boos: Dilemmas to Consider

It takes more than a bandage to heal a sick shop layout. To avoid hassles later, consider these four common design dilemmas.

The Two Faces of Japan

From ancient Shinto temples to modern-day skyscrapers, the Japanese relish technology, yet revere tradition. But with Japan’s collision repair industry changing with the times,
will the Japanese people also deviate from tradition to fight for their industry’s autonomy?

Hazardous Free

Dave Humes, owner of Humes Collision Center in Hermantown, Minn., made some
changes in his shop that he’d reduce his hazardous waste by 60 percent.

Protecting the Health of Your Business

They go hand in hand – the health and well-being of a small-business owner are essential to the health and well-being of the small business.