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A Meaty Design: Layout to Increase Profits

Give your shop’s layout more bite! Though you’re not making hamburgers, you can McDonaldize your shop’s design and procedures to increase profits.

The Road Ahead

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict the future — the challenges awaiting shop owners aren’t a mystery. The mystery is whether or not shop owners will prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.

The Spanish Experience: Spain’s Collision Repairers

Like bulls in a bullfight, Spanish collision repairers struggle to stay alive. But, as their country and their country’s way of doing business changes, they’ll need to assume the role of matador if they wish to take charge and survive.

Going Head to Head: Changing your Thinking

If single-shop operators want to compete with consolidators and multiple-shop entities, they’re going to have to change their Mom-and-Pop mentality.

Consolidators Aren’t The Enemy

With consolidation comes change and a chance to learn new ways to improve your business — or sell your business, if that’s what you’re looking to do.

Window of Opportunity? Glass Installation…

If you thought glass installation would be a simple, trouble-free profit center, think again. Properly replacing glass is just as complicated as properly repairing collision

Insurers: Cowboys At Heart?

Some insurers are rounding up consumers and steering them out of shops like herds of cattle – leaving many shop owners to ask: “Where’s the beef?”

Optimizing Your Booth

A new spraybooth will solve some – but not all – of your problems. Learn what booth manufacturers suggest to get the most from your new purchase

Don’t Forget The Cooling System!

To ensure all damage is diagnosed in a front-end collision, technicians need to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling system.

Personnel Profile

About the only thing that hasn’t changed during the past year is the employee shortage. Shops are, as always, still in search of a few good techs