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Supplier Web Directory

The BodyShop Business Quick Reference Guide is a “Yellow Pages” for companies with a Web presence that offer products and services specifically designed for the collision repair industry. The directory is broken into two parts: 1. Products by Category 2. Alphabetical Company Listing Click HERE to download the PDF.   Alphabetical Company Listing:  1-800EveryRim:

It’s One Year Later…

One year ago today in the January 2007 issue of BodyShop Business, I asked you, our readers, what you wanted to change about your business in 2007, what you wanted to accomplish and what you saw as your greatest challenge. Not surprisingly, I received some impassioned responses, one of which I feel compelled to print

Service Repair Information: An Important Tool

Accessing manufacturers’ proper repair procedures during the preproduction phase or when creating a repair plan is crucial to being efficient and profitable.

One Voice – Body Shops’ Business Climate

Body shop profits are being squeezed like never before, but not all repairers agree on the proper fix. One thing most repairers do agree on, however, is that more of them will have to do a better job of working together in order to effect change.

Proper Plastic Repair Procedures

Given the shrinking pool of repairs, it’s probably a wise strategy to look for opportunities everywhere you can. Plastic repair is one of them.

It’s Now or Never: A Proposed Code of Ethics for the Collision Repair Industry

People are funny. Most of the time, if something bothers them, they just complain about it and do nothing. We all know why, too: It’s easier to whine than actually do something to address what we’re whining about. Taking action is the rougher road to choose. That’s why there are monuments built and history books

Fox Fiasco Mars Industry: Fox Collision Centers

For a little over a month now, we’ve been following the saga of Fox Collision Centers. How embarrassing! It’s like a bad train wreck that you can’t pull your eyes from. This story line gets more and more tragic with each passing day, and not in a way that makes you the least bit compassionate

No Free Groceries: Body Shops Should Operate Like Grocery Stores

If you want something, you pay for it, and if you don’t pay for it, you don’t get it.

The Green Team: Eco-Friendly Ways

These body shop owners are hoping their eco-friendly ways and streamlined operations will boost their bottom line.

Developing Tomorrow’s Staff

Putting training in body shops’ hands with an in-house training program may be the best way to develop a workforce for the future.