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Straighten or Fill?

Many techs look at a job and immediately think about how to fill it, never considering straightening. In fact, some techs believe no job is complete without plastic filler.

Don’t Forget The Cooling System!

To ensure all damage is diagnosed in a front-end collision, technicians need to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling system.

Measuring Basics

The more user dependent the measuring system, the greater the chances of error. For this reason, so-called "simp,tapes and gauges – aren’t simple to use properly.

Utilizing Your Air Compressor

It would be hard to imagine a body shop that could work without compressed air. In fact, it could be said that the heart of your shop’s production lies in your air compressor
– a sometimes misunderstood and often neglected unit.

What A Tangled Web We Weave: Re-Installing Electrical Components and Wiring

Now that all the metal repair and refinishing has been completed, it’s time to start thinking about reinstalling all the electrical components and wiring removed before and during
the repairs, right?

Clang! Buzzz… Tick, Tick, TICK!!!

Diagnosing and eliminating annoying interior noises will restore the sanity of tormented vehicle owners

The Two Faces of Japan

From ancient Shinto temples to modern-day skyscrapers, the Japanese relish technology, yet revere tradition. But with Japan’s collision repair industry changing with the times,
will the Japanese people also deviate from tradition to fight for their industry’s autonomy?

Hazardous Free

Dave Humes, owner of Humes Collision Center in Hermantown, Minn., made some
changes in his shop that he’d reduce his hazardous waste by 60 percent.

The Heat Is On

The use of heat to dry paint is a hot topic these days.

From Wreck to Right

It’s a dark stormy night. You realize that you’ve strayed from the main paved road and are now traveling down a gravel one. The road is soft. Your vehicle isn’t handling well. It’s raining so hard that the car’s windshield wipers can’t keep up, and the ditches on both sides of the road are very