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Spreadsheet: Documentation

In the United States, more than 800 million auto-related transactions occur each year requiring documentation.

When OSHA Comes A Knockin’

An OSHA inspection is something nightmares are made of. And for one New Jersey shop owner, the nightmare was reoccurring because OSHA kept coming back, and back, and back …

Wheeling In The Profits: Tire & Wheel Service

Traditionally deemed mechanical work, tire and wheel service could be the edge your shop needs to attract more customers and inflate profits.

Working Designs: Bodyshop Layouts

More equipment and more space won’t automatically yield more profit. Productivity and profitability are just as much functions of managment as they are physical capacity.

Building Basics

Should you build a new facility? Before donning a hard hat and diving into construction, put on your thinking cap to determine if building new is for you.

A Meaty Design: Layout to Increase Profits

Give your shop’s layout more bite! Though you’re not making hamburgers, you can McDonaldize your shop’s design and procedures to increase profits.

Before You Build: Plan!

Shop owners have lost more money on new facilities in one day than they’ve earned in a lifetime. When designing and building your own facility, plan, plan and plan some more.

Small, But Formidable: The Smaller Bodyshops

Growing your business doesn’t necessarily mean “growing” your business. Consider Dave Stephenson, who’s built a solid reputation and six-week backlog out of his one-man shop in a small Iowa town.

Drop the Gun and Step Away from the Adjuster

Believe it or not, there are seasoned appraisers in the industry who aren’t the enemy — and who aren’t happy with insurers’ penny-pinching policies that disregard quality and fair profit In my September Editor’s Notes, I wrote about an appraiser named Pat, who has some interesting views regarding the industry. You see, Pat is on

The Road Ahead

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict the future — the challenges awaiting shop owners aren’t a mystery. The mystery is whether or not shop owners will prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.