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Window of Opportunity? Glass Installation…

If you thought glass installation would be a simple, trouble-free profit center, think again. Properly replacing glass is just as complicated as properly repairing collision

Straighten or Fill?

Many techs look at a job and immediately think about how to fill it, never considering straightening. In fact, some techs believe no job is complete without plastic filler.

Understanding Undercoats

Undercoats create the foundation for quality refinish work. In many ways, they recreate the OEM treatment process.

The Rollover Challenge

Though a rollover may look fixable, a few tell-tale signs will help you determine if you should repair it – or forget it.

Insurers: Cowboys At Heart?

Some insurers are rounding up consumers and steering them out of shops like herds of cattle – leaving many shop owners to ask: “Where’s the beef?”

Optimizing Your Booth

A new spraybooth will solve some – but not all – of your problems. Learn what booth manufacturers suggest to get the most from your new purchase

The Aftermarket Parts War

Don’t surrender in defeat. If your business has suffered because of imitation-parts usage, consider these strategies to help heal your battle wounds.

Don’t Forget The Cooling System!

To ensure all damage is diagnosed in a front-end collision, technicians need to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling system.

How Much Training Is Enough?

Too much is never enough. The key is to not waste your time. Just because your techs return from a class with a certificate and a smile doesn’t mean they learned anything.

Why Mechanical Repairs?

Collision repairs happen “by accident”, but success doesn’t. Quit praying for hail and start considering what mechanical services you can offer your customers