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Operations Profile: Negotiation Strategies

With less jobs to choose from, some shop owners got pickier while others negotiated everything but their first born

Personnel Profile

About the only thing that hasn’t changed during the past year is the employee shortage. Shops are, as always, still in search of a few good techs

One-Track Mind to Success

Focus on Body Shops of America…..

No Bonding Allowed

It wasn’t long ago that the only choice a repair technician had to replace a quarter panel, roof or door skin was to cut it off and weld it back on.

Can We Talk?

Communication skills between owners and techs come into play daily and can mean the difference between a profit or a loss on each job.

Estate Planning

To avoid losing your business to an outsider – or worse, a competitor – after your death, plan now for an orderly transfer of your estate.

Is Spot Welding Viable?

Used in the manufacture of modern vehicles, spot welding becomes a bit more complicated when applied to collision repair.

Banking in Cyberspace

Though banking by computer may never completely replace “going to the bank”, most of the nation’s 10,000 financial institutions will offer online banking services by the year 2000.

Creating a Winning Team

Note: The following article contains material
from Beau Hamilton’s Team Building seminar, which is conducted
for the collision repair industry and approved by ASA’s Automotive
Management Institute (AMI) for continuing-education credits.

Knowledge is Power

Question: What are you doing to inform consumers
about their rights when it comes to repairing collision damage?
Most states require, in writing, a disclosure regarding aftermarket
parts. But do you take this a step further and verbally explain
how aftermarket parts may affect the repair process?