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Out of Sight: Should You Release a Vehicle Before You’ve Been Paid in Full?

If you know your state law regarding mechanic’s liens, you can return a vehicle to its rightful owner and exercise your right to be paid for work performed.

Damaged Goods

Fact: Consumers won’t pay as much for a vehicle that’s been wrecked and repaired as they will for a vehicle that’s never been in an accident. This market condition – or stigma as some like to call it – diminishes the vehicle in value, regardless of how expertly repaired it may have been.

If Customers Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy

While progressive collision repairers are relying more and more on computerized equipment, paperless processing and electronic transactions, old fashioned customer care – friendly, timely, convenient and cost-effective service – is still the key to repeat and referral business.

The Incredible Shrinking Industry

After a buying spree in the late ’90s and a struggle to integrate acquired shops into a “corporate” culture, consolidators are getting back on track and preparing to grow again. But this isn’t a death sentence for all independents.

Protecting Your Children’s Inheritance

You may be divorced twice and on your third marriage (so far so good), but if you die first, your spouse and stepchildren may end up spending your rightful heir’s inheritance – unless you plan ahead. Families are more complicated than they used to be. With so many people divorced and remarried, a family gathering

Can Your Shop Withstand the Scrutiny?

Shops producing poor quality repairs?

Stacking the Odds In His Favor

Leonard Lassak’s pancake philosophy.

Which Puppy Eats People? Cycle Time

We live in an immediate gratification society. We want it fast, cheap and done right the first time. We’re so spoiled, in fact, that we get anxious at fast food drive thrus — "Fast food?" we exclaim while waiting in a line seven cars deep. "There’s nothing fast about it!" Consumer impatience is the reason

Victims of Our Own Stupidity

Has the United States gone from the “Land of Opportunity” and Americans from hard-working, responsible people to the “Land of You Owe Me a Living” and to people who are totally self-absorbed, don’t think for themselves and blame everyone else for their own poor judgment?

When the Government Comes Knocking: Changing Regulations & Inspections

You wouldn’t intentionally put your workers or the community that supports your business in danger. But keeping up with changing regulations issued by government agencies isn’t easy — some requirements seem overwhelming while others are just plain nitpicky. Regardless, you should always be prepared for an inspection.