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Clean Up your Act

That tiny spec of dirt in your paint job costs you a lot more time and money to remove than it would have to prevent it. In The Big Book of Painting, page 2,344, paragraph 6, the author explains “The Rule of Dirt”: “All dirt comes to you. But from where? you sayeth. I sayeth,

Weld It Right: Know the Best Gas Mixture for MIG?

Welding is probably the least understood repair procedure in the collision industry, yet it’s the most critical. Do your techs know the best gas mixture for MIG welding high-strength steel or the proper gun angle for making a lap joint? Are you sure?

Capitalize on Cold Weather

A mild winter doesn’t have to bring a chilling end to your shop’s profits and steady workload. By adding seasonal profit centers and specialized winter service, you’ll boost your bottom line and customer relations.

Decked Out in Decals: They Can Provide Added Income

I’m sure you’ve seen them: Decals of every size, shape and color stuck to vehicles you know didn’t roll off the showroom floor looking like that. Where’d they come from? From shops like yours that know the proper techniques for applying these sticky little restyle items.

The Technical Side of Bedliners

Deciding to offer sprayed-on bedliners is more than a simple business decision. It requires some technical know-how. Which system is right for your shop? Which gun type is right for the system you choose? And which chemicals will mean quality jobs, satisfied customers and long-lasting color? All these are important questions if you intend to profit from this profit center.

Taking the Despair Out of Door Skin Repair

To make this often-dreaded task more appealing to techs – and more profitable to your shop – re-think door skin replacement during the estimating process. Then after writing an estimate that includes all the necessary procedures, enlist a few special techniques and tools to speed up the actual repair.

Taking the Pain Out of Glass

These days, automotive glass serves a bigger purpose than simply keeping bugs out of a driver’s teeth. Some passenger-side airbags depend on the windshield to act as an integral part of the system. With such a critical repair at hand, proper glass replacement is of the utmost importance — but isn’t nearly as complex as you might think.

The Heat Is On: Infrared Equipment

Since the average body shop paints an entire vehicle just 10 percent of the time, it makes sense to focus your energy — and that of your curing system — on only the areas refinished. How? Infrared equipment can be applied just where and when you need it, helping to increase your shop’s efficiency

Purchasing Profile

As a shop owner, you know where you’re spending your money (at least you’d better), but have you ever wondered how other shop owners are spending theirs? Do they spend about the same amount of money on equipment, parts and supplies as you? Are they buying fewer aftermarket (A/M) crash parts since the State Farm

Restoring Corrosion Protection

Just because you’ve meticulously measured and pulled a vehicle back to spec doesn’t mean your job is done. One of the most important tasks in bringing a car back to pre-accident condition is still at hand: restoring corrosion protection.