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Fixing Door Panels on ’07 GMC Sierras and Chevy Silverados

Your team has just completed repairs on the front cab door of a 2007 GMC Sierra. As part of the repair process, it was necessary to blend the rear cab door to achieve a proper color match. A final quality control inspection was performed, and you noticed vertical lines in the rear door that didn’t

Roll With It Baby: Save Labor Time, Use Less Product and Get Build in Fewer Coats.

Sound good? Even if you use roll-on primer on only one car per day, you’ll still save roughly $3,000 a year.

Skinning a Door – Without Using Filler

Remember the physician’s oath: “First, Do No Harm.”

Innovative (and Cool) Stuff for the Paint Shop

During the recent NACE show in Las Vegas, I made the rounds of the paint manufacturer’s display booths. (It’s nice to have them back at NACE, by the way.) My topic for this article is new paint technologies, and I was able to speak to someone knowledgeable at each of the booths. I simply asked

Sell your Estimate

If you’re not explaining your estimate to a consumer and preparing him for why your competitor’s estimate may be lower, you might as well not bother writing the estimate.

Plastic Filler: a Good Product in Bad Hands

When plastic filler first hit the market, no depth of filler was too great and manufacturer’s instructions were just there to make the can look good. Even today, decades later, plastic filler is still misunderstood and misused. Why? Because repairers try to use it as a substitute for skill.

When the Paint Hits the Fan

What are the common paint-shop screw ups? What mistakes are consistently causing paint failures – and costing you cash? Hint: It’s not all your painter’s fault.

Stick With It

Repairers across the country are utilizing adhesive bonding technology for panel replacement. If you’re ready to give it a try, these step-by-step instructions will show you how.

Behind the Blend

It takes more than technical know-how to create an invisible blend. Communication between customers, technicians and other shop staff is also an important ingredient. Mix them all together, and you’ve got the makings of a flawless repair.