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Pinchweld Flanges: The Weakest Link

Because glass installation has become a specialty area in the collision industry, it’s often handled by an outside installer or a specialist inside the shop. And it seems natural to separate this operation from other steps in the repair.

Cured: Let’s Talk About Why the Paint Shop Runs Slower than the Metal Shop

Both departments take their allotted completion times from a published labor time database, so 4.5 hours should pass just as quickly in both shops. But, as you well know, the 4.5 hours of work takes longer to complete in the paint shop. The difference of course, is the dry times. You can hang a new

Letters to the Editor

In Better Hands … Without Allstate. Thursday, Oct. 10 Hi Georgina! I think the October Issue might cause some excitement. I’ve had four phone calls in three days regarding the Allstate article [Oct., pg. 86]. Three of them told me the EXACT same thing happened to them. Two were from different states and one from

Got Friction? Metal Department vs. Paint Department

One of the longest-running battles within a collision repair facility is the one between the metal department and paint department. And in some of the shops I’ve worked with throughout the world, it had escalated past a battle – it was more like a civil war going on between these two main production departments. Each

Becoming the Mask Master

When I started in this business, I couldn’t wait to pull the masking paper off that “flawless” paint job that I’d so meticulously laid down on that well-massaged custom. In fact, you’d often find me tugging on the tape and ripping paper before even cleaning my gun. What I lacked in sense I made up

Recycled Airbags: Do They Work

Because replacement parts cost big bucks, some see recycled air bags as the answer. But since OEMs recommend only the use of new OEM parts in this type of repair, is taking the recycled air bag route going to leave your shop holding the liability bag?

Maintain Profits: A Regular Maintenance Schedule

You can lose thousands of dollars a day if even one piece of equipment goes down. Prevent such costly breakdowns by committing to a regular maintenance schedule.

Damaged Goods

Fact: Consumers won’t pay as much for a vehicle that’s been wrecked and repaired as they will for a vehicle that’s never been in an accident. This market condition – or stigma as some like to call it – diminishes the vehicle in value, regardless of how expertly repaired it may have been.

What Lies Beneath: Good Surface Prep

Is a poorly prepared surface lurking under that shiny new paint job, just waiting for the right time to peel and to turn your life into comeback hell? If so, you’ve only got yourself to blame. The steps for proper surface prep haven’t changed. You just need to tart following them.

May the (Work) Force Be with You

The collision industry’s workforce is dwindling at an alarming rate, and journeymen are just about as hard to come by as Jedi Masters. To combat this shortage and to stay competitive in the years to come, take a cue from the Jedi Code: Pair an apprentice with a mentor.