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Write Better Estimates

The estimate is the most important aspect of our business process. If an estimate is poorly written, it can wreak havoc on your shop and cost you a boatload of cash.

Sell your Estimate

If you’re not explaining your estimate to a consumer and preparing him for why your competitor’s estimate may be lower, you might as well not bother writing the estimate.

The Jury’s In: An Epiphany

After getting out of jury duty, I had a epiphany: I’m an idiot. Reasonable people like me and you) should serve on juries. If insurers didn’t pay out millions to attorneys and “victims,” maybe – just maybe – they wouldn’t nickel and dime shops so much. Every now and then, all the bits and pieces

Off Color: The Ability to Match a Color

With the advent of blending techniques over the past 15 years, a perfect paint match isn’t always necessary. However, you will occasionally have a need to paint a panel, such as a bumper fascia, spoiler or air deflector, without blending. When those times arise, having the ability to match a color is a very valuable

Stupid Owner Tricks

Does the owner of the collision repair shop where you work make Forrest Gump look like Einstein? Take solace in the knowledge that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Shattered Market: The Body Shop Glass Business

NAGS list price discounts are increasing, labor payments aredecreasing and deals made behind our backs are eroding profitability. Still, you might want to consider performing your own glass installations since, ultimately, you’re the one shouldering the liability.

Choosing the Right PBE Jobber

Good jobbers can make the difference between scraping by and earning serious profits. Learn what you should expect from this “vendor partner” – and what’s expected in return.

Hybrids: Why They’re Here To Stay

Fuel costs – gasoline or diesel – seem to be creeping ever higher. This is probably natural because of the rules of supply and demand. Oil is a finite resource, and as we use more of our own American crude in the lower 48, we’re going further afield to supply our ever-expanding need for more

Truce: Working with Insurance Adjusters

If you ever need to energize a bunch of bored shop owners, bring up working with insurance adjusters. This topic can incite a lively discussion among even a reserved group of repairers. That’s because everyone has a war story or two about an adjuster experience and they’re usually eager to share it. One of my

Just Say No: Can you save me my deductible?

You wouldn’t think of asking your dentist to save your deductible. So why, then, do our customers think it’s perfectly acceptable to ask us to save theirs? Maybe because we started it. If you’re like me, certain word phrases are just plain annoying. The one that bothers me the most is, “Can you save me